The Michael Teachings Personality Profile

The Michael Teachings Personality Profile

The Michael Teachings Personality Profile The Michael Teachings tells us that we are each born into a life with pre-determined roles and personality “overleaves”. According to the Michael Teachings, “Overleaves are personality traits that overlay the essence”. We choose these traits before our lives begin, and these traits provide a roadmap for how we want to experience life. If you would like to learn about your personality...

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Which of Your Chakras Are Out of Balance?

Which of Your Chakras Are Out of Balance?

Which of Your Chakras are Out of Balance? The chakras are energy centers within your aura. There are many chakras, but the seven main chakras that line up with the spinal column are the ones people usually refer to. Each of these corresponds to a layer of your aura and an aspect of your life. A strong connection exists between the condition of your chakras and your emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Emotional issues like...

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