Wanderlust Festivals

Wanderlust Festivals

YogaAre you looking for a place to celebrate mindful living? The Wanderlust Festivals may be the perfect place for you. The festivals are a massive gathering of yoga and meditation instructors, speakers, chefs, musicians, and attendees who all want to celebrate a mindful lifestyle.

The festivals have been held in a number of places across the United States, and there are more upcoming events in the US and in various countries. One of the biggest attractions of these festivals is the vast amount of yoga and meditation classes that are offered at the events. These festivals also feature a number of popular musicians, such as Spoon, Ziggy Marley, and Moby. Other features of the festivals include guided outdoor adventures, lectures, and a vast amount of food and wine/beer vendors.

There are a few Wanderlust Festivals coming up in 2016, including a festival in New Zealand, Australia, and Hawaii (USA). There will surely be more, as these festivals are quite popular and exciting. To learn more about the festivals, visit the Wanderlust about page for more information. Check out the video below to get a sneak peek of what the festivals are all about.


Author: Sp1r1tualN3twork4387

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